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Welcome to Our Newly Remodeled Website!

This website has been developed to help you understand the Word of God, the Holy Bible. We believe that the Word of God holds the keys to a peaceful, fruitful, joyful life. Jesus said that the "truth shall make you free." As you walk with Jesus and learn what the Word of God teaches you will find a new found freedom in your life.

Some of the teachings on this website may be unlike any you have ever heard. Let me encourage you to keep an open mind and also to search out what is being taught here to see if it lines up with the Bible or not. If you have problems with any of the lessons and don't agree. Send me scriptures and we can discuss your differences. Many of the lessons contained in this website will step on the toes of traditional Christianity. Jesus said that the "tradition of man makes the commandment of God of no effect." It is time to get rid of tradition and believe what the Word of God really says!

Online Bibles
The Bible Gateway
Online Parallel Bible
Bible Logos.com
Blue Letter Bible

Study Aids
Kenyon's Gospel Publishing Society
The Dake Annotated Bible and Other Study Material

Information About Cults
Utah Lighthouse Ministry

Pay close attention to yourself and to your teaching; persevere in these things, for as you do this you will ensure salvation both for yourself and for those who hear you. 1 Timothy 4:16


The Most Important Scripture in the Bible

I frequently tell people that there is one scripture in the Bible that is the most important scripture. People always seem to be intrigued by this statement. What is the scripture?

Numbers 23:19 (NLT)
19 God is not a man, so he does not lie. He is not human, so he does not change his mind. Has he ever spoken and failed to act? Has he ever promised and not carried it through?

There used to be an old statement, “God says it, I believe and that settles it!” While it sounds good, there is really no truth in this statement. It should read, “God says it and that settles it.” What we believe or what we do not believe is not going to change God. It will, however, change how God is able to work in our lives.

As believers in Christ, we have to make up our mind about God. Is His Word true? Is part of it true and part of it not? Well, it is either ALL TRUE or it is ALL FALSE. God is either truth or He is a lie. There is no middle ground. Christians are famous for believing parts of the Bible and not others.

When I was 18 years old, my 21 year old brother was lying in a hospital bed, his entire right side swelled two or three times its normal size, eaten up with cancer. He and I would talk about the Lord and whether God still healed or not. The situation drove me to search for truth in the Bible and then I found hope!

James 5:14-15 (GW)
14 If you are sick, call for the church leaders. Have them pray for you and anoint you with olive oil in the name of the Lord. 15 (Prayers offered in faith will save those who are sick, and the Lord will cure them.) If you have sinned, you will be forgiven.

Immediately, I phoned the pastor of the church where I had grown up and where I had given my life to the Lord at the age of 13. I read this passage of scripture to my pastor and asked him if he would get the church leaders together to come and pray for my brother. After a long pause, the pastor said, “Well, we don’t really believe that.” I was stunned. I couldn’t believe that someone who professed to be a Christian, especially a pastor did not believe the very book he taught from every week! Why do some churches not believe in healing? Somewhere along the line, they prayed for someone who was sick and that person did not get better. They died! So, instead of believing God’s very own Word, they believe in their experience.

Our experience does not change God. In fact, the Bible tells us that God does not change!

Malachi 3:6a (GW)
6 “I, the LORD, never change.

Hebrews 13:8 (GW)
8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Once we finally come to understand that God’s every single Word of God is truth, we realize that we no longer have to worry, we no longer have to fear. We can walk in joy even if appears that our world is falling apart. We KNOW that no matter how bad things look, God will honor His Word and He will NOT let us down or let us be destroyed.

Action: Read Numbers 23:19; Malachi 3:6 and Hebrews 13:8

  • Decide if you are going to believe ALL of God’s Word or not.
  • Whatever it is that you struggle with in life, turn that over to God knowing that He will not let you down. If you begin to worry about it, stop and give it back to the Lord and reread the scriptures above

All articles, graphics, images, photographs and other material are © copyright 2000 to present by Jay S. McMullan and/or his assignees. Do not copy without written, expressed permission.